
ycomms Apr 20, 2022

Join communities lead by world-class experts

We want to revolutionize the informal demand of almost 40 million people for cryptocurrency knowledge on telegram, discord, and similar towards a platform with superior user experience, support, and security.

You, as a cryptocurrency market expert who wants to share knowledge, should be able to: create as many communities as you'd like to talk about everything, charging as much as you'd like, with seamless followers management and payment. Also, Clear agreement terms between you and your followers will be stated for protection.

You, as a cryptocurrency investor, should be able to: choose a community based on a 5-star rating system (fake gurus and scammers free) with free trails while having your own calendar to track signals. A secure method for multiple payment options will be available as well as a multi-tiered support system.

But the X-Factor here is the simplicity of user experience. Investors can map their investment profile (goals, risk taken strategy, and level of knowledge) and be matched with communities that have proven records to fulfill their needs.

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