
PitchLink Sep 13, 2017

Sales pitching with 0% Interruption and 100% Engagement.

How to pitch to a prospect or investor without getting a face to face meeting? This has been a constant pain point for Sales Professionals and Founders. Landing that first meeting is crucial and that is possibly the most difficult one to score. Be it an important customer or an investor. A lot rides on a good pitch but there are many slips between the cup and the order. Squeezed time, long follow ups, numerous email threads, managing documents between multiple stakeholder and uneven pitches.

PitchLink solves all that and more so you can focus on your product and customers. Not struggle to set up a meeting.

PitchLink also
a) eliminates the need to set up face to face meetings
b) standardizes the pitch to its highest level,
c) facilitates discovery of needs,
d) tracks engagement at a granular level,
d) helps the mapping of all account stakeholders and
e) manages all content and its updates from a central repository without any recipient linked intervention.
Features include contextual video instructions, a clean interface, automatic notifications and in app chat on each element shared.

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Subhanjan Sarkar

Hello StartupBase friends, if you are pitching to investors or customers and struggling with face time try PitchLInk. It is FREE for the first 90 days. And all of you who write to me ( ss@ipitch.link) with StarupBase on the subject line and their community member handle I will double the FREE period to 180 days. Let us know what you think of our unique sales pitching product. Cheers!

Subhanjan Sarkar

@attacomsian I am offering 90 days extra for FREE to any of our community members who sign up and write to me using 'StartupBase' on the subject line. Wanted to keep you informed. Many thanks for featuring us.

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