
TripPlannera Jun 03, 2017

Personalized travel itinerary planner

What is TripPlannera

TripPlannera is a smart travel planner which based on traveler interests suggests personalized itinerary. By collecting all types of travel activities into one place and using artificial intelligence algorithms TripPlannera allows to avoid digging into different sources and complete trip planning process within minutes.
Partnering with the most popular travel companies and tourist guides all over the world TripPlannera provides database of more than 100 000 points of interests, 20 000 travel activities and events, 5000 tricks and hints travelers need to know, more than 1000 itineraries created by professional travel guides.

How it works

Just set your trip dates, interests and get day by day route of attractions, restaurants, guided tours, local events, tickets and more. Feel free to edit itinerary to adjust to your specific needs and book activities you need, share itinerary with friends for group planning and don't forget to download plan for offline use.

Why TripPlannera

More than 20 000 travelers created better trip stories with TripPlannera.

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💬 Discussion

Atta ⚡️

Wonderful product 👏 Definitely going to use in near future 😂

P.S. Do you have any plan to launch a mobile app? It'd be really helpful.

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