
TriangleDesk May 24, 2017

Find unique names for your startup/product

TriangleDesk is a place where you can buy unique brand-able domain names for your startup/product at low cost.

When you buy a name at TriangleDesk you will get a domain name, a logo and a business card design, so that you can quick start your business.

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💬 Discussion

Atta ⚡️

Interesting to see a domainer(s) on StartupBase 👀 Do you only sell your own domains or allow others to list their brandable domains as well?

S Philip

@attacomsian Thanks for adding TriangleDesk.

For now, we sell only our own domain names. So that we can make sure every name is immediently available to buy.

And, building TriangleDesk as a market place for evryone is definitely in the pipeline.

Atta ⚡️

@PhilipSajeesh ok great. It would be great to see a new brandable domains marketplace like BrandBucket that charges less fees but provides quality services. I'll definitely list few of my own domains 😂

Adrian Mar

@attacomsian submitted my service that's doing just that - hoping for a quick approval 😊

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