
Shake SDK Jun 18, 2019

Plug 'n' play bug reporting tool for mobile apps

Shake is a bug reporting SDK for iOS and Android apps. It's time to stop receiving emails or WhatsApp messages from clients saying "Feature X doesn't work" with an attached screenshot. What are we even supposed to do with that?

With Shake SDK added to your app, your users can report problems under 5 seconds by simply shaking your app. But now, our SDK will take all the extra info you as a developer need and will send it to your Shake web dashboard: steps to reproduce, user's precise device model, app and OS versions, current View, internet connectivity details, CPU and memory usage, list of granted permissions ... the list of useful data just goes on.

From now on, fix bugs 50x faster! πŸŽ‰

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Peter Simic

Hi Startupbase πŸ‘‹
I as a founder am right here β€” do you have any questions?

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