
lockrMail Jan 10, 2021

Own the power to organize and protect your inbox

lockrMail provides a publicly facing email address you can use across publishers, retailers, and other online services for you to sign up with, enabling you to pre-filter and customize who can send you emails.

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💬 Discussion

Keith 💾

With more and more sites requiring registration to access content and services, our inboxes are becoming a nightmare (like they weren't already!). Solutions exist in market that generate a unique and anonymous email for every service you sign up with, making it really hard for companies and advertisers to track you online. This is i) hard for you as a user to sign up for receipts in-store or remember for mobile use, and ii) harmful for the open and free internet we have grown accustomed to.

lockrMail provides a new, public-facing email address for you to use in establishing a login or registration with any brand, publisher, etc. Whether you are RSVPing for an event, completing a purchase online, or signing up for you favorite newsletter - email is now on your terms.

Happy to address any questions and look forward to welcoming you to our private beta!

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