
Freechat Aug 05, 2024

Web3.0 Social network

The Internet has developed into a massive amount of content information today. People are generating and consuming content all the time, people's lives are deeply integrating with the Internet, and the Internet is expanding with people's continuous participation, and has given birth to many Internet oligopolies. In the Web 2.0 era, users' privacy and data are grasped and utilized by the oligopoly companies and become the profit tools of the oligopoly companies. Users are subjected to various forms of censorship while suffering from the interests of the oligopolies.

With the development of various new technologies, returning the power of the Internet to the participants has become an important feature of Web 3.0. In the Web 3.0 era, people's social life is deeply integrated with the Internet. While users contribute content information, they should also enjoy the rights of contributors. Users regain the initiative: each person has individual ownership of the virtual world and the Internet, and users can refuse any request unless they voluntarily authorize it. The Internet is no longer in the hands of oligarchs, and user rights will return to the user.

We hope that in the Web 3.0 era, we can contribute our own strengths. We will cr

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