
Fitness Firefight Feb 21, 2024

A squat-based FPS iOS game to get you moving throughout the day 🤯

Finding time, motivation and energy to move enough during the day is tough. We believe games can help to make it easier!

That's why we built something simpler and more accessible - that only requires you, your smartphone, and a few minutes of your time to bust out 10-20 squats.

Fitness Firefight is a FPS where you move to aim, and squat to reload. It's designed to be fast to start and fast to play to make it easy for the brain to agree to exercise.

We think Fitness Firefight will be a great way for those who want to move more but feel they lack of time or motivation. It suits us as remote office workers who wants exercise breaks in our workday very well!

The concept is in a super early stage and we are looking for early adopters to guide development. Please let us know why you would want a game like Fitness Firefight and what you wish it offered you. You can join us in our discord or leave your email in the app to get in touch.

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