
Codela May 22, 2017

Codela automates technical screening of developers

Technical screening of software developers is a long and complicated process which requires domain expertise. Current best practices, such as whiteboard coding interviews, feel unnatural to candidates and don't represent programming skills accurately. Codela helps companies automating the technical screening of software developers by using online coding challenges. By offering unique tests for the position sought and automatically grading submissions, the cloud-based assessment platform eliminates the need for technical expertise and streamlines the screening process. Codela also assists in increasing the net promoter score of candidates by improving the overall experience due to candidates using a familiar integrated development environment.

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πŸ’¬ Discussion

Atta ⚑️

Interesting idea. I like it πŸ‘

Murat Sütunç

@attacomsian thanks! as part of our public beta we're giving away 10 interviews for free when you become a member. feel free to use it! ✌️❀️

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