
Chartgenie Graph and Chart Maker Apr 04, 2024

Easily create and share beautiful πŸ“Š charts on your iPhone πŸ“±

🧞 Chartgenie is an elegant, easy to use solution for creating charts and graphs.

πŸ“‰ We all know how difficult it can be to create a chart that not only conveys a message or story but also looks amazing while doing it. Even more so when you are trying to do it on a mobile device. Chartgenie is an iOS app designed to allow its users to easily and quickly create charts.

🎯 I created Chartgenie with one simple goal, to create and share beautiful charts. I wanted to have the ability to take a piece of information from a book, an article, a piece of research, or from a work project, and turn it into a beautiful chart that tells a story. No spreadsheet pivoting, no coding, just some text fields and options to customize.

πŸ§‘β€πŸ”¬ With Chartgenie you don’t need to have killer visual design or data science skills and you don’t need a massive budget, all you need is a piece of data.

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