
Bynder Orbit Aug 30, 2017

Manage all your digital files with just one tool

The easier, faster and more secure way to organize, share and collaborate on files is here. Bynder Orbit comes with 100GB storage for free and the most advanced technology to help you make the most value out of your files.
- Organize: use smart and webshop-like categorization to structure your file bank; no more folders in folders in folders, and no more wasting time in endless searching.
- Share: securely share the right version of the right file with the right person; there's no hassle to update or change anything you already shared.
- Collaborate: communicate the status and usage rights directly with your files; you can comment, annotate, tag and approve files with your team.

Excited? Sign up and start the better way to manage your files today: www.bynder.com/orbit

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