
B624 Cam - Selfie Expert | iOS Jul 19, 2017

Take awesome selfie with face mask stickers, beauty camera and effect.

B624 Cam - Selfie Expert is a perfect app for taking selfies with skin smoothing life camera, filter camera, life face mask and anything more.
The App allows you to beautify and applying filters to your picture.
Play background music when you used this app.
Use horror face mask on your face.
Having tonnes of fun by capturing the hilarious pictures on your phone with live face masks such as animals, cyborgs, zombies, ghost and more.
App Features:
◆ Capture selfie from the rear and from front camera live camera.
◆ Apply mask on faces and make as cool and funny selfie.
◆ Do skin smoothing over live camera by using of adjustment slider.
◆ Apply custom filters and enhance your selfie.
◆ Save photo in the library.
◆ Share on Facebook, Twitter and more.

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💬 Discussion

Atta ⚡️

How is it different than other similar apps?

Neeraj .

It's only focused on capturing photos with horror face mask &filter camera...

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